Need of Marine Engine Repair

Marine engine parts need to be checked on regular basis to avoid breakdown or heavy loss caused by ship going off charter. Marine engine repairs are carried out by the marine engineer as per his basic understanding of the machine, sound troubleshooting knowledge and correct techniques used for testing and overhauling.

We can provide for you services for marine engine repairs, which cannot be done by marine engineers on board the ship due lack of special equipments and manpower. Some examples of heavy maintenance of marine engine repairs are metal stitching or metal locking, recondition of piston, honing of liners etc.

When we talk about marine engine repairs, they not just include maintenance and repair work on the mechanical parts of the engines but also include repairs on various electrical equipments as well. Thus, marine engine repair is categorized in two parts – electrical and mechanical.

For an effective performance of the marine engine and in order to prevent breakdown of the same proper procedures are to be followed as described in the manuals. Marine engine repairs have to be done at specific running hours as described in the planned maintenance system of the ship.

On board ship there is a team of marine engineers or marine mechanics, along with crew ratings such as motorman, oiler, fitter, etc. to carry out the work of marine engine repairs.

The team of engineers includes chief engineer, second engineer, third engineer and fourth engineer. Chief and second engineer are management level officers, whereas third and fourth engineers are operational level engineers.

The chief engineer looks after different surveys that are to be carried out on the marine engine and also plans out when they are to be carried out. The second engineer plans the marine engine repair work that is pending or scheduled to be due soon.

Bulmar Services ltd. Engine repair

Chockfast technology applied on engine repair

We performed some complex tasks with Chockfast products on vessels under repair.

On NB801 TSHD Albatros build by MTG Dolphin Yard both stern tubes, two propulsion and one auxiliary reduction gears were mounted as per approved technology with Chockfast Orange and Phillibond Orange as a materials. On NB901 Grab hopper dredger again in MTG Dolphin Yard both stern tubes were fitted on Chockfast Orange. Both projects were submitted to the Yard, Class and Owners without remarks.

Additional one engine Stork 9TM410 and one engine MAN B&W 6S26MC were realigned and new chocks were casted. Both engines were secured on the new chocks with all the bolts tightened as per approved new calculations from the Class and submitted to the owners without remarks and with perfect crankshaft deflection.

What is Chockfast?

Chockfast is an epoxy based, pourable compound that cures at normal temperatures to become an extremely tough and durable solid. Chockfast was specifically developed for chocking marine main propulsion and auxiliary machinery and since its introduction in 1963 has earned the approval of the major classification societies worldwide.
Other shipboard applications include…Sterntube & Strut bearings, Pintle & Rudder Bearings, Pedestal Bearings, Steering Gears, Stern Winches, Engine Room Pumps, Cargo Pumps, Cable Penetrations, Large Ball or Roller Bearings, Bow Thrusters and Anchor Windlasses.

Chockfast is a registered trademark of the epoxy resin made by ITW Philadelphia Resins Corp.

The resin itself can be used in an infinite number of applications but it was developed especially for the chocking of marine diesel engines. Due to the resins physical characteristics the costs gained by the quick, easy and trouble free application have made Chockfast the preferable way to mount diesel engines.

Some of the points raised by the use of Chockfast are:

Installation and chocking of the engine is done within several hours instead of days.
The hardened chock has perfect fit between engine and foundation and therefore spreads the engine forces evenly over the entire bedplate thus eliminating fretting of the contact surfaces.