Consortium Agreement Template H2020

In the world of academia and research, a consortium agreement is a must-have document that outlines the roles and responsibilities of all partners involved in a project. This is especially true for funding programs like Horizon 2020, where collaboration is key to achieving research goals and maximizing resources.

A consortium agreement template for H2020 is an invaluable tool for any research consortium preparing to submit a proposal. It provides a framework for addressing important issues such as intellectual property rights, publication policies, and project management. A well-crafted consortium agreement can help to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts that can arise during the course of a project.

When it comes to creating a consortium agreement template for H2020, there are a number of key components that should be included. These include:

– defining the roles and responsibilities of all consortium partners

– outlining the objectives and expected outcomes of the project

– establishing procedures for decision-making and dispute resolution

– determining how to handle intellectual property, including ownership and exploitation rights

– setting guidelines for publication and dissemination of project results

– addressing confidential information and data protection

– establishing procedures for project management and financial reporting

In addition to these core elements, the consortium agreement should also include specific provisions related to the H2020 program. For example, it should outline the specific grant agreement that the consortium will be working under, as well as any specific reporting or auditing requirements required by the program.

It`s important to note that each consortium agreement will be unique to the specific project and partners involved. However, having a template to work from can provide a solid framework for ensuring that all necessary issues are addressed and that the agreement is legally binding and enforceable.

If you`re part of an H2020 research consortium, be sure to work with experienced legal counsel to create a consortium agreement that meets the specific needs of your project. By taking the time to create a comprehensive agreement, you can help ensure a successful partnership and project outcome.

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